Autotracking Case Study - TrackedMap

April 21, 2020

This blog post is my fourth post in a series on autotracking, the new reactivity system in Ember.js. The previous three posts dug into the details of how autotracking works.

  1. What Is Reactivity?
  2. What Makes a Good Reactive System?
  3. How Autotracking Works

This post, by contrast, is going to be less theory oriented. Instead, we’ll be examining how you can use autotracking in practice. Pull-based reactivity can be somewhat counterintuitive to work with when you’re used to push-based reactivity, because it often requires a different way of approaching various problems. This post will be a case study on how we can create a data structure which applies that theory: TrackedMap.


A quick recap on some autotracking terminology. I used these terms loosely in previous posts, but now I want to define them more thoroughly so they can be used to describe the dynamics of what we’re doing with autotracking:

  • Tracked value: A value that will, when consumed, entangle with any active tracked computations, and when updated, invalidate those computations.
  • Tracked/memoized compututation: A computation whose output is connected to any tracked values that were consumed during its runtime. It will only rerun if any of these values updates, otherwise it will return the previously computed value.
  • Entanglement: The act of linking a tracked value to a tracked computation.
  • Consume: To track a value, so that any state derived from the value will update the next time the value is updated.
  • Dirty: To update a value, so that any state derived from it is dirtied and will update the next time it is accessed.

What is TrackedMap?

In this post, we’re going to build a TrackedMap class from the ground up. TrackedMap is an autotracked version of JavaScript’s built-in Map class. It has the same public API as standard Map and behaves the same in every way, but it also integrates with autotracking.

export default class Profile extends Component {
  skills = new TrackedMap([
    ['Ember.js', 'Expert'],
    ['Archery', 'Novice'],
    ['Cooking', 'Expert'],
    ['Baking', 'Apprentice'],

  // This will update whenever we update the `Ember.js` key
  // in `skills`
  get emberLevel() {
    return this.skills.get('Ember.js');

  // Whenever we add a new skill to, remove a skill from,
  // or update a skill in the `skills` property,
  // `expertSkills` will update.
  get expertSkills() {
    return Array.from(this.skills).filter(([skill, level]) => level === 'Expert');

Whenever we read a key on a TrackedMap, it autotracks that key. If we ever update that key, by setting it to a new value for instance, then any derived values will also update. TrackedMap will also autotrack iterations, so that whenever we derive state from the entire collection, using forEach or Symbol.iterator for example, that state will be updated if we add, remove, or update items in general.

The techniques we’ll use to do this can be used to wrap other types of collections as well: Set, WeakMap, even Array. They can also be used to create custom collections, or to wrap external libraries that provide classes and collections.

Why do we need a “tracked” Map?

You may be thinking, why do we need to have a tracked version of Map? It’s more to annotate and remember in general, and maybe it feels like it will be burdensome. The fact is though that in JavaScript, a Map is a form of root state. It is a class that is built-in to the language, like object properties. And like object properties and @tracked, if you want to use a Map, you probably want a tracked version of it.

To see why, let’s try to use a normal Map with autotracking. We’ll start with a technique that was pushed during the original RFC for @tracked properties, and one that I was actually a proponent of at the time - resetting a tracked property that contains the Map whenever something in it changes:

export default class Profile extends Component {
  skills = new Map([
    ['Ember.js', 'Expert'],
    ['Archery', 'Novice'],
    ['Cooking', 'Expert'],
    ['Baking', 'Apprentice'],

  setLevel(key, value) {
    this.skills.set(key, value);
    this.skills = this.skills;

Right away we have a few issues:

  1. We have this very odd syntax, this.skills = this.skills. To a new Ember developer, this may look like a mistake, a refactoring error of some sort. It’s not clear that this is meant to actually have a meaning just by looking at it.

  2. It’s pretty easy to imagine that the developer may forget to do this. There is no guarantee that updating the Map will also cause the tracked property to update, the developer always has to be vigilant and keep track of what is mutating, and when to reset it.

  3. We also don’t have any granularity here. We’re updating the entire Map of skills each time any of them changes. This could lead to performance issues in the future, especially if we’re dealing with a big collection.

The issues run deeper than this though. Let’s see what happens if we forget which root property owns this state:

export default class Parent extends Component {
  @tracked map = new Map();

  updateMap(map) { = map;
{{! components/parent.hbs }}
<Child @map={{}} @onSave={{this.updateMap}} />
export default class Child extends Component {
  @tracked localMap =;

  updateLocal(key, value) {
    this.localMap.set(key, value);
    this.localMap = this.localMap;

  saveMap() {

In this example, the child is attempting to copy the map that was passed to it by the parent, and mutate it locally. We create a localMap tracked property and use that for local updates, and everything works as expected.

The issue is, we aren’t actually creating a copy; we’re just assigning a reference to the Map in another location, the localMap class field. There’s a subtle bug here, where we’re mutating the original map, but it doesn’t reflect that change in the parent until later when we call the onSave() action. Our data is out of sync with our UI, and the rest of our system in general. This will inevitably lead to more issues and headaches as time goes on.

This is the danger that comes with attempting to sidestep autotracking. After working with this technique for some time in the early days of autotracking, I came to the conclusion that these issues would always arise in time. The only way to avoid them in general is to ensure that any root state that is mutated and updated is always tracked, and this is why we need a TrackedMap.

Is this Ember.Array 2.0?

Ember veterans may be reminded of Ember.Array, with its custom KVO methods like objectAt and pushObject, and how it felt for a long time like Ember had it’s own custom version for everything that you had to learn and be aware of constantly. Wouldn’t TrackedMap continue down that same path?

The thing to remember is that autotracking doesn’t eliminate annotations altogether - it reverses them. Before, for normal properties, we had to use Ember.get and Ember.set to access and update them. Now, we use @tracked. The responsibility is on the definition of the state and, crucially, the consumer doesn’t need to know anything about this.

class Person {
  name = 'Liz';

class TrackedPerson {
  @tracked name = 'Chris';

function sayHello(person) {
  console.log(`Hello, ${}!`);

In this example, we could pass an instance of Person or TrackedPerson to the sayHello function, and it would log exactly the same thing. The only difference is that if the function was being tracked, and we passed a TrackedPerson, we would now know to rerun the function whenever the person’s name changed. By annotating root state this way, we can then treat it like normal state in the rest of the program. That is the ergonomic benefit that autotracking gives us.

The same goes for collections like TrackedMap. The goal with creating a tracked version of Map isn’t to make something that is similar, but slightly different. It’s to create a drop-in replacement, one that is indistinguishable in every way from a normal Map in terms of public APIs. This way, our code won’t have to care if it’s working with a normal Map or a TrackedMap, just like it doesn’t have to know if it’s working with a normal property or a @tracked property.

This is significantly different from Ember.Array. With Ember arrays, it was very important to know which one you were working with. You had to use objectAt to access values, and replace/pushObject/shiftObject/etc. to update them, methods that were effectively the equivalent of Ember.get and Ember.set for arrays. Ember Arrays affected the code surrounding them much more in this way, and via the way dependencies chained on them with the [] property. There were even more complexities they introduced, between prototype extensions, the Ember.A() wrapper, array observers, array proxies, and more, but we won’t get into all of that.

So, in short - TrackedMap, and tracked classes like it, are very different from Ember.Array. They don’t have the same caveats, and like tracked properties they add clarity through making it clear what is meant to mutate and what isn’t.


Now that we know what TrackedMap is, and why we need it, how do we build it?

The first thing we’ll need is a way to add tracked values dynamically. @tracked gives us a way to define properties that we know should be mutable ahead of time, but with a Map any number of keys can be defined over time, and we need to be able to track changes to all of them.

It turns out, we don’t need a new public API to do this. We can use @tracked to create a class whose sole purpose is to act as a storage cell:

class Cell {
  @tracked value;

Now, whenever we need to track a new value, we can make a new Cell(). This may seem expensive, but it actually ends up being a pretty tiny object overall, and since we usually need a place to store the underlying value anways, this solves both problems pretty well for a very low cost! Ember may add better APIs here in the future, but for the time being this should generally cover our needs without becoming a bottleneck.

Ok, so we have tracked cells. Now, let’s make a basic TrackedMap class with them.

class TrackedMap {
  #map = new Map();

  // Private methods aren't a thing yet, unfortunately
  _getCell(key) {
    let cell = this.#map.get(key);

    if (cell === undefined) {
      cell = new Cell();
      this.#map.set(key, cell);

    return cell;

  get(key) {
    return this._getCell(key).value;

  set(key, value) {
    this._getCell(key).value = value;

Let’s walk through how this works:

  1. Our TrackedMap class has an internal, private #map property, which is a Map instance. This is how we store our cells. Since we’re trying to replicate the functionality of a Map, it makes sense to use one as the backing storage for our class. It’ll handle 90% of the functionality we need, and in the end we end up providing a thin layer of functionality on top.

  2. Whenever we access a value in the map, we first create a storage cell for it. That cell holds the real value in a tracked property.

  3. When we get a key, we get the cell that backs that key, and return its value property. In doing this, we track the property for that cell specifically.

  4. When we set a key, we get the cell that backs that key, and update its value property. In doing this, we dirty the tracked property, and if that key has been accessed before with get, then we will be invalidating all tracking computations that consumed it.

Awesome, this is a pretty good first pass! But there are a number of other APIs we need to address. Map has the following methods:

  • clear
  • delete
  • entries
  • forEach
  • get
  • has
  • keys
  • set
  • values
  • Symbol.iterator

The first thing to notice is that we can divide these methods into two categories, methods that operate on a single entry in the map, and methods that operate on every entry, or the whole collection.

  • Single Entry Methods

    • delete
    • get
    • has
    • set
  • Whole Collection Methods

    • clear
    • entries
    • forEach
    • keys
    • values
    • Symbol.iterator

This is critical, because we can make a very important performance optimization here for whole collection methods, but we’ll get back to that in a moment. Let’s make sure that we have all the single entry methods finished first.

Now, has is going to be a bit trickier. We need to create a cell for has still, because it’s result can change later if a value is set for it. But we need to return false even if that cell exists in the underlying map, and remember, it’s perfectly valid for the value to be undefined, so we can’t use that (or any other standard JS value) to represent this state. Instead, we can do this by creating a Symbol to represent the DOES_NOT_EXIST state.

const DOES_NOT_EXIST = Symbol();

class TrackedMap {
  #map = new Map();

  _getCell(key) {
    let cell = this.#map.get(key);

    if (cell === undefined) {
      cell = new Cell();
      cell.value = DOES_NOT_EXIST;
      this.#map.set(key, cell);

    return cell;

  has(key) {
    return this._getCell(key).value !== DOES_NOT_EXIST;

  get(key) {
    let value = this._getCell(key).value;

    return value === DOES_NOT_EXIST ? undefined : value;

  set(key, value) {
    this._getCell(key).value = value;

Perfect. Now, when we create a new cell, it will still be uninitialized until the value has actually been set for the first time, but we’ll have a storage cell that is entangling properly the whole time.

delete is a bit easier. We actually do want to delete the cell in this case, otherwise we may accidentally leak memory, with the map continuing to grow as new values are added to it over time. We just want to make sure that we dirty before we delete the cell.

const DOES_NOT_EXIST = Symbol();

class TrackedMap {
  #map = new Map();

  _getCell(key) {
    let cell = this.#map.get(key);

    if (cell === undefined) {
      cell = new Cell();
      cell.value = DOES_NOT_EXIST;
      this.#map.set(key, cell);

    return cell;

  has(key) {
    return this._getCell(key).value !== DOES_NOT_EXIST;

  get(key) {
    let value = this._getCell(key).value;

    return value === DOES_NOT_EXIST ? undefined : value;

  set(key, value) {
    this._getCell(key).value = value;

  delete(key) {
    let cell = this.#map.get(key);

    if (cell !== undefined) {
      // wipe out the cell value if it exists
      cell.value = null;


We access the #map property directly so we don’t create a cell if one doesn’t exist and do more work for no reason.

It’s also ok to delete the cell like we do here, even though it means that the next time we access that key, we’ll create a new one. This is safe because tracked computations don’t hold onto references to specific tracked values. Whenever a computation is dirtied, it throws away all it knows about the values that it tracked, and reruns, getting new tracked values. So, as long as we dirty the cell (which we do here with cell.value = null) before we delete it, any tracked computations that depended on it will rerun and get the new cell, if needed. If not, then the cell will be cleaned up and we won’t leak memory!

Ok, we now have all the single entry methods working! But before we get into the other methods, there’s one important detail that we should address. We want to make a drop-in replacement for native Map, and it won’t be a drop-in replacement unless you can use instanceof on it:

let map = new TrackedMap();

map instanceof Map; // false, currently

To accomplish this, we’ll need to refactor to use either native Proxy as a wrapper, or inheritance. Proxies are a bit more complicated, so for this post we’ll use inheritance.

const DOES_NOT_EXIST = Symbol();

class TrackedMap extends Map {
  _getCell(key) {
    let cell = super.get(key);

    if (cell === undefined) {
      cell = new Cell();
      cell.value = DOES_NOT_EXIST;
      super.set(key, cell);

    return cell;

  has(key) {
    return this._getCell(key).value !== DOES_NOT_EXIST;

  get(key) {
    let value = this._getCell(key).value;

    return value === DOES_NOT_EXIST ? undefined : value;

  set(key, value) {
    this._getCell(key).value = value;

  delete(key) {
    let cell = super.get(key);

    if (cell !== undefined) {
      // wipe out the cell value if it exists
      cell.value = null;


This is very similar to what we had before overall, and now we don’t need to have the internal #map instance, we can just use super to access the map’s own storage. Pretty neat!

Ok, now on to the whole collection methods.

Tracking Iteration

Like I mentioned before, the collection methods are important because they give us a chance to make a perfomance optimization that, at scale, could matter quite a lot. The key thing to realize about any method that operates on the entire collection is that we don’t really need to consume every value in the collection.

In fact, we can’t! If you use Symbol.iterator or forEach on a map instance, and we later add a new value to the map, the results would be invalid. But, we wouldn’t have the storage cell for that new value ahead of time! There’s nothing for us to consume when the method is called, and nothing for us to dirty later on.

So, to get around this, we’ll create a special, empty storage cell: the collection cell.

class TrackedMap extends Map {
  #collectionCell = new Cell();

  // ...single entry methods

This cell represents the overall state of the collection. Whenever we call a collection method that is geared toward consumption, we will consume this cell.

class TrackedMap extends Map {
  #collectionCell = new Cell();

  // ...single entry methods

  [Symbol.iterator]() {
    // consume the cell, autotracking it

    return super[Symbol.iterator]();

  forEach(fn) {

    return super.forEach(fn);

  keys() {

    return super.keys();

  values() {

    return super.values();

  entries() {

    return super.forEach();

That works, but it doesn’t read very well. The consumption looks like a mistake here, and could likely even trigger lint errors! Let’s extract that to a function so at least we’re only doing it in one place, and it’s clear what we’re doing.

function consumeCell(cell) {
  // consume the cell, autotracking it

class TrackedMap extends Map {
  #collectionCell = new Cell();

  // ...single entry methods

  [Symbol.iterator]() {

    return super[Symbol.iterator]();

  forEach(fn) {

    return super.forEach(fn);

  keys() {

    return super.keys();

  values() {

    return super.values();

  entries() {

    return super.forEach();

And whenever any method updates anything in the Map, we’ll want to dirty it. We can do this by setting the value to anything, since it’ll dirty even if the value hasn’t changed. We’ll also create a function that does this explicitly, to make it clear what we’re doing.

function dirtyCell(cell) {
  // dirty the cell by setting it to a new value
  cell.value = null;

class TrackedMap extends Map {
  // ...

  set(key, value) {
    this._getCell(key).value = value;


  delete(key) {
    let cell = super.get(key);

    if (cell !== undefined) {



  // ...

Finally, we’ll also want to add the clear() method. This method is a bit tricky - it affects the entire collection, and every item in it. In order to be consistent, we’ll need to dirty the collection cell, and every other cell too, to dirty any and all tracking computations that used any of the values.

class TrackedMap extends Map {
  // ...

  clear() {
    // Dirty the collection

    // Dirty every cell

    // Actually clear
    return super.clear();

Putting It All Together

Here’s our whole TrackedMap class, altogether:

const DOES_NOT_EXIST = Symbol();

class Cell {
  @tracked value;

function consumeCell(cell) {
  // consume the cell, autotracking it

function dirtyCell(cell) {
  // dirty the cell by setting it to a new value
  cell.value = null;

class TrackedMap extends Map {
  #collectionCell = new Cell();

  _getCell(key) {
    let cell = this.#map.get(key);

    if (cell === undefined) {
      cell = new Cell();
      cell.value = DOES_NOT_EXIST;
      this.#map.set(key, cell);

    return cell;

  // Single Entry Methods

  has(key) {
    return this._getCell(key).value !== DOES_NOT_EXIST;

  get(key) {
    let value = this._getCell(key).value;

    return value === DOES_NOT_EXIST ? undefined : value;

  set(key, value) {
    this._getCell(key).value = value;

    // dirty the entire collection as well

  delete(key) {
    let cell = super.get(key);

    if (cell !== undefined) {
      // wipe out the cell value if it exists



  // Collection Methods

  [Symbol.iterator]() {

    return super[Symbol.iterator]();

  forEach(fn) {

    return super.forEach(fn);

  keys() {

    return super.keys();

  values() {

    return super.values();

  entries() {

    return super.forEach();

  clear() {
    // Dirty the collection

    // Dirty every cell

    // Actually clear
    return super.clear();

In the end we have a Map class that is tracked. Any mutation to it will properly update all tracked computations that access it, and it will always consume and dirty properly. No need to worry about our state getting out of sync 😄

If you’re a fan of Immer.js you may not need TrackedMap after all, but it’s helpful to know how to create this form of root state. These techniques can be used in general to wrap external libraries and make them consumable to Ember.js apps, and to create new forms of trackable root state as a whole. You also don’t need to build them yourself - you can use the following packages instead:

  • tracked-built-ins
    • Does not support IE11
    • Includes TrackedArray, TrackedObject, and maps and sets
  • tracked-maps-and-sets
    • Supports IE11
    • Includes TrackedMap, TrackedWeakMap, TrackedSet, and TrackedWeakSet

Next time we’ll build on these tools to explore some different autotracking techniques, with the @localCopy decorator!